Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's the Final Countdown

Hey there, fans of ME 250!

So we're sitting in an extremely crowded ME 250 shop, putting the finishing touches on our pride and joy. It's been a long road to this point, but we finally have a fully machined contraption ready to be tested on the arena. We were worried for a while, but it looks like we'll actually have a machine to present on Thursday! Hooray!

Although now we've gotten to this point, it was certainly a long road to get here. Machining this week was definitely difficult--we've broken a bandsaw, re-made parts, braided at least 20 feet of Kevlar thread, and run into all sorts of other issues. Each time, however, we've worked together as a team to solve our problems, and our finished machine is definitely a group effort.

All we have left to do is test with a control box, practice on the arena, and finish all of the documentation we have left.

NEWS FLASH: We've tested on the arena! Our machine drives (straight-ish) and moves the light ping pong balls! Right now we're filing down our PVC L-joint so it will fit more easily in the arena. That should be the last thing we need to do before we can just practice. We've also been filming fairly consistently as we've been working (much to the chagrin of our GSIs), so we should hopefully have a bang-up movie for Wednesday morning as well. Hopefully.

See you all at the Design Expo on Thursday! We'll have another full report before then.

Team 42

Figure 1: Laura is happy to be working, even if the lab is super busy!

Figure 2: Ilya and Adam work on preliminary wiring.

Figure 3: The cart waits in eager anticipation for the wiring to be completed.

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